1 Load packages

# Load packages-----------------------------------------------------------------


# Expect 640 obs 
# # Some issues with numeric day and hr with both data.frames, no effect on current
dat <- read.csv("01_organize/rumen_imp.csv")
nh3dat <- read.csv("01_organize/rumen_nh3_imp.csv")

#convert to factors## day is already char
dat$cow <- as.factor(dat$cow)
dat$time_n_cat <- as.factor(dat$time_n)
dat$hr_cat <- as.factor(dat$hr)

nh3dat$hr_cat = as.factor(nh3dat$hr_n)

# Summarize to period level ### TO BE MOVED TO ORG FILE #####
# Expect 32 obs
dat_period <- dat %>% 
  group_by(cow, period, prot_lvl, osc_lvl ) %>% 
  summarise(rumen_ph_mn = mean(rumen_ph))%>% 
  mutate(cow = as.character(cow))

nh3dat_period = nh3dat %>% 
  group_by(cow, period, prot_lvl, osc_lvl ) %>% 
  summarise(ammonia_mM_mn = mean(ammonia_mM),
            taa_mM_mn = mean(taa_mM)) %>% 
  mutate(cow = as.character(cow))

rum_per_list = dat_period %>% 
  left_join(nh3dat_period) %>% 
  pivot_longer(., cols = -c(cow, period, prot_lvl, osc_lvl)) %>% 

2 Aggregated Analysis

rum_mods <- rum_per_list %>% 
  purrr::map(., ~ mixed(value ~ period + prot_lvl * osc_lvl + (1 | cow), data = .))
## Fitting one lmer() model. [DONE]
## Calculating p-values. [DONE]
## Fitting one lmer() model. [DONE]
## Calculating p-values. [DONE]
## Fitting one lmer() model. [DONE]
## Calculating p-values. [DONE]
rum_anova <- anova_out(rum_mods)
rum_em = em_df(rum_mods)
rum_em_table = em_table(rum_em)
rum_pval = p_vals(rum_mods) 

rum_em_table %>% 
  cbind(., rum_pval[,2:4]) %>% 
  kable(caption = "Rumen pH Model") %>%
Rumen pH Model
name emmean_OLP emmean_SLP emmean_OHP emmean_SHP max_err prot_lvl osc_lvl prot_lvl:osc_lvl
ammonia_mM_mn 1.25 1.38 1.64 1.68 0.10 0.000 0.238 0.524
rumen_ph_mn 6.35 6.38 6.37 6.38 0.04 0.728 0.414 0.624
taa_mM_mn 2.70 2.82 2.56 2.50 0.21 0.258 0.883 0.654

3 Over Time Analysis

3.1 pH

Significant effects and tendencies

  • Effect of period is significant but not of interest.
  • Sampling hour (hr) is significant.
  • There is a tendency for an interaction between CP level (prot_lvl) and sampling hour (hr)

3.1.1 pH Model

rumen_ph_mod1 <- lme(rumen_ph ~ period + osc_lvl * prot_lvl * day * hr_cat,
  random = ~ 1 | cow / period / day, correlation = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | cow / period / day), data = dat
df = anova(rumen_ph_mod1) %>% 
  data.frame() %>% 
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 3))

df %>%
  kable(caption = "Rumen pH Model") %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  row_spec(which(df$p.value < 0.05), bold = T, background = "lightyellow") %>%
  row_spec(which(df$p.value > 0.05 & df$p.value < 0.10), bold = T, background = "grey25")
Rumen pH Model
numDF denDF F.value p.value
(Intercept) 1 448 37724.621 0.000
period 3 17 12.871 0.000
osc_lvl 1 17 0.761 0.395
prot_lvl 1 17 0.086 0.772
day 3 84 0.965 0.413
hr_cat 4 448 310.654 0.000
osc_lvl:prot_lvl 1 17 0.259 0.617
osc_lvl:day 3 84 0.380 0.768
prot_lvl:day 3 84 0.354 0.786
osc_lvl:hr_cat 4 448 0.401 0.808
prot_lvl:hr_cat 4 448 2.295 0.058
day:hr_cat 12 448 1.040 0.410
osc_lvl:prot_lvl:day 3 84 1.188 0.319
osc_lvl:prot_lvl:hr_cat 4 448 0.784 0.536
osc_lvl:day:hr_cat 12 448 0.884 0.564
prot_lvl:day:hr_cat 12 448 1.316 0.205
osc_lvl:prot_lvl:day:hr_cat 12 448 1.031 0.419

3.1.2 pH Model-implied means

e_rumen_ph = emmeans(rumen_ph_mod1, ~ osc_lvl*prot_lvl*day*hr_cat) 
em_rumen_ph = e_rumen_ph %>%  data.frame() %>% mutate(hr = as.numeric(as.character(hr_cat)))

# get estimates for marginal effects but don't save them
e1 = emmeans(rumen_ph_mod1, ~ hr_cat) ; e1
##  hr_cat emmean     SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  6        6.69 0.0375  8     6.61     6.78
##  8        6.75 0.0375  8     6.66     6.83
##  10       6.34 0.0375  8     6.26     6.43
##  12       6.14 0.0375  8     6.05     6.23
##  19       5.92 0.0375  8     5.83     6.00
## Results are averaged over the levels of: period, osc_lvl, prot_lvl, day 
## Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
## Confidence level used: 0.95
e2 = emmeans(rumen_ph_mod1, ~ prot_lvl*hr_cat) ; e2
##  prot_lvl hr_cat emmean     SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  HP       6        6.65 0.0434  8     6.55     6.75
##  LP       6        6.74 0.0434  8     6.64     6.84
##  HP       8        6.78 0.0434  8     6.68     6.88
##  LP       8        6.72 0.0434  8     6.62     6.82
##  HP       10       6.34 0.0434  8     6.24     6.44
##  LP       10       6.34 0.0434  8     6.24     6.44
##  HP       12       6.17 0.0434  8     6.07     6.27
##  LP       12       6.11 0.0434  8     6.01     6.21
##  HP       19       5.93 0.0434  8     5.83     6.03
##  LP       19       5.91 0.0434  8     5.81     6.01
## Results are averaged over the levels of: period, osc_lvl, day 
## Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
## Confidence level used: 0.95
# show the sampling hr and prot_lvl main effects and interaction
e2 %>%
  data.frame() %>%
  mutate(hr = as.numeric(as.character(hr_cat))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = hr, y = emmean, col = prot_lvl, group = prot_lvl)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(6, 8, 10, 12, 19)) +
  ggtitle(paste0("Rumen pH by CP level (LP = 13.8%, HP = 15.5% CP) at 5x/d sampling \n during 4-d sampling periods marginalized across 4 exp. periods for n = 8 cows")) +
  labs(x = "Sampling hour", y = "Model-implied mean")

3.2 Ammonia (NH3)

Significant effects and tendencies

  • Effect of period is significant but not of interest
  • CP level (prot_lvl) significant
  • Sampling hour (hr) significant
  • CP level x sampling hour significant
  • Day x sampling hour (hr) effect is significant
  • Feeding pattern (osc_lvl) x day x sampling hour 3-way interaction is a tendency**

3.2.1 NH3 Model

rumen_nh3_mod1 <- lme(ammonia_mM ~ period + osc_lvl * prot_lvl * day * hr_cat,
  random = ~ 1 | cow / period / day, correlation = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | cow / period / day), data = nh3dat

df = anova(rumen_nh3_mod1) %>% 
  data.frame() %>% 
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 3))

df %>%
  kable(caption = "Rumen NH3 Model") %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  row_spec(which(df$p.value < 0.05), bold = T, background = "lightyellow") %>%
  row_spec(which(df$p.value > 0.05 & df$p.value < 0.10), bold = T, background = "grey25")
Rumen NH3 Model
numDF denDF F.value p.value
(Intercept) 1 448 386.421 0.000
period 3 17 5.874 0.006
osc_lvl 1 17 1.251 0.279
prot_lvl 1 17 25.544 0.000
day 3 84 0.361 0.782
hr_cat 4 448 21.530 0.000
osc_lvl:prot_lvl 1 17 0.356 0.559
osc_lvl:day 3 84 0.964 0.413
prot_lvl:day 3 84 1.835 0.147
osc_lvl:hr_cat 4 448 0.876 0.478
prot_lvl:hr_cat 4 448 4.316 0.002
day:hr_cat 12 448 4.106 0.000
osc_lvl:prot_lvl:day 3 84 0.805 0.495
osc_lvl:prot_lvl:hr_cat 4 448 1.398 0.234
osc_lvl:day:hr_cat 12 448 1.667 0.071
prot_lvl:day:hr_cat 12 448 1.313 0.208
osc_lvl:prot_lvl:day:hr_cat 12 448 1.084 0.372

3.2.2 NH3 Model-implied means

e3 = e_rumen_nh3 = emmeans(rumen_nh3_mod1, ~ hr_cat) ; e3
##  hr_cat emmean     SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  6        1.29 0.0899  8     1.08     1.49
##  8        1.43 0.0899  8     1.23     1.64
##  10       1.93 0.0899  8     1.72     2.13
##  12       1.36 0.0899  8     1.16     1.57
##  19       1.42 0.0899  8     1.21     1.63
## Results are averaged over the levels of: period, osc_lvl, prot_lvl, day 
## Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
## Confidence level used: 0.95
e4 = e_rumen_nh3 = emmeans(rumen_nh3_mod1, ~ prot_lvl) ; e4
##  prot_lvl emmean     SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  HP         1.66 0.0828  8     1.47     1.85
##  LP         1.31 0.0828  8     1.12     1.50
## Results are averaged over the levels of: period, osc_lvl, day, hr_cat 
## Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
## Confidence level used: 0.95
e5 = e_rumen_nh3 = emmeans(rumen_nh3_mod1, ~ prot_lvl*hr_cat) ; e5
##  prot_lvl hr_cat emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  HP       6        1.52 0.108  8    1.273     1.77
##  LP       6        1.05 0.108  8    0.801     1.30
##  HP       8        1.44 0.108  8    1.189     1.69
##  LP       8        1.43 0.108  8    1.178     1.68
##  HP       10       2.03 0.108  8    1.786     2.28
##  LP       10       1.82 0.108  8    1.570     2.07
##  HP       12       1.58 0.108  8    1.328     1.83
##  LP       12       1.15 0.108  8    0.902     1.40
##  HP       19       1.72 0.108  8    1.473     1.97
##  LP       19       1.12 0.108  8    0.870     1.37
## Results are averaged over the levels of: period, osc_lvl, day 
## Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
## Confidence level used: 0.95
e5 %>%
  data.frame() %>%
  mutate(hr = as.numeric(as.character(hr_cat))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = hr, y = emmean, col = prot_lvl, group = prot_lvl)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(6, 8, 10, 12, 19)) +
  ggtitle(paste0("Rumen ammonia by CP level (LP = 13.8%, HP = 15.5% CP) at 5x/d sampling \n during 4-d sampling periods marginalized across 4 exp. periods for n = 8 cows")) +
  labs(x = "Sampling hour", y = "Model-implied mean")

e6 <- e_rumen_nh3 <- emmeans(rumen_nh3_mod1, ~ osc_lvl * day * hr_cat)
##  osc_lvl day  hr_cat emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  O       Day1 6       0.718 0.182  8    0.299     1.14
##  S       Day1 6       1.105 0.182  8    0.686     1.52
##  O       Day2 6       1.471 0.182  8    1.051     1.89
##  S       Day2 6       1.741 0.182  8    1.322     2.16
##  O       Day3 6       1.520 0.182  8    1.101     1.94
##  S       Day3 6       1.309 0.182  8    0.890     1.73
##  O       Day4 6       0.961 0.182  8    0.542     1.38
##  S       Day4 6       1.461 0.182  8    1.042     1.88
##  O       Day1 8       0.977 0.182  8    0.558     1.40
##  S       Day1 8       1.530 0.182  8    1.111     1.95
##  O       Day2 8       1.368 0.182  8    0.948     1.79
##  S       Day2 8       1.293 0.182  8    0.874     1.71
##  O       Day3 8       1.659 0.182  8    1.240     2.08
##  S       Day3 8       1.385 0.182  8    0.965     1.80
##  O       Day4 8       1.651 0.182  8    1.232     2.07
##  S       Day4 8       1.598 0.182  8    1.178     2.02
##  O       Day1 10      2.174 0.182  8    1.755     2.59
##  S       Day1 10      2.069 0.182  8    1.650     2.49
##  O       Day2 10      1.937 0.182  8    1.518     2.36
##  S       Day2 10      1.960 0.182  8    1.540     2.38
##  O       Day3 10      1.730 0.182  8    1.311     2.15
##  S       Day3 10      1.878 0.182  8    1.459     2.30
##  O       Day4 10      1.622 0.182  8    1.203     2.04
##  S       Day4 10      2.045 0.182  8    1.626     2.46
##  O       Day1 12      1.605 0.182  8    1.186     2.02
##  S       Day1 12      1.328 0.182  8    0.908     1.75
##  O       Day2 12      1.597 0.182  8    1.178     2.02
##  S       Day2 12      1.461 0.182  8    1.042     1.88
##  O       Day3 12      1.253 0.182  8    0.834     1.67
##  S       Day3 12      1.543 0.182  8    1.124     1.96
##  O       Day4 12      0.991 0.182  8    0.572     1.41
##  S       Day4 12      1.131 0.182  8    0.711     1.55
##  O       Day1 19      1.672 0.182  8    1.253     2.09
##  S       Day1 19      1.406 0.182  8    0.987     1.83
##  O       Day2 19      1.337 0.182  8    0.918     1.76
##  S       Day2 19      1.244 0.182  8    0.824     1.66
##  O       Day3 19      1.316 0.182  8    0.897     1.74
##  S       Day3 19      1.290 0.182  8    0.870     1.71
##  O       Day4 19      1.370 0.182  8    0.951     1.79
##  S       Day4 19      1.727 0.182  8    1.308     2.15
## Results are averaged over the levels of: period, prot_lvl 
## Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
## Confidence level used: 0.95
e6 %>%
  data.frame() %>%
  mutate(hr = as.numeric(as.character(hr_cat))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = hr, y = emmean, col = osc_lvl, group = osc_lvl)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line() +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("purple", "grey"))+
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(6, 8, 10, 12, 19)) +
  facet_wrap(~day, nrow = 1) + 
  ggtitle(paste0("Rumen ammonia by feeding pattern (O = oscillating 48-hr, S = static) \n at 5x/d sampling during 4-d sampling periods \n marginalized across 4 exp. periods for n = 8 cows")) +
  labs(x = "Sampling hour", y = "Model-implied mean")

3.3 Total Amino Acid (TAA)

Significant effects and tendencies

  • Effect of period is significant but not of interest
  • Sampling hour (hr) is significant
  • CP level (prot_lvl) x sampling hour (hr) tendency
  • day x sampling hour (hr) tendency
  • Feeding pattern (osc_lvl) x day x sampling hour 3-way interaction is a tendency

3.3.1 TAA Model

rumen_taa_mod1 <- lme(taa_mM ~ period + osc_lvl * prot_lvl * day * hr_cat,
  random = ~ 1 | cow / period / day, correlation = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | cow / period / day), data = nh3dat

df = anova(rumen_taa_mod1) %>% 
  data.frame() %>% 
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 3))

df %>%
  kable(caption = "Rumen TAA Model") %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  row_spec(which(df$p.value < 0.05), bold = T, background = "lightyellow") %>%
  row_spec(which(df$p.value > 0.05 & df$p.value < 0.10), bold = T, background = "grey25")
Rumen TAA Model
numDF denDF F.value p.value
(Intercept) 1 448 577.333 0.000
period 3 17 6.076 0.005
osc_lvl 1 17 0.022 0.883
prot_lvl 1 17 1.493 0.238
day 3 84 2.814 0.044
hr_cat 4 448 42.566 0.000
osc_lvl:prot_lvl 1 17 0.222 0.643
osc_lvl:day 3 84 0.631 0.597
prot_lvl:day 3 84 1.558 0.206
osc_lvl:hr_cat 4 448 0.571 0.684
prot_lvl:hr_cat 4 448 2.226 0.065
day:hr_cat 12 448 2.100 0.016
osc_lvl:prot_lvl:day 3 84 0.941 0.425
osc_lvl:prot_lvl:hr_cat 4 448 0.134 0.970
osc_lvl:day:hr_cat 12 448 1.618 0.083
prot_lvl:day:hr_cat 12 448 0.336 0.982
osc_lvl:prot_lvl:day:hr_cat 12 448 1.032 0.418

3.3.2 TAA Model-implied means

e7 = emmeans(rumen_taa_mod1, ~ hr_cat) ; e7
##  hr_cat emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  6        1.19 0.197  8    0.731     1.64
##  8        2.40 0.197  8    1.941     2.85
##  10       4.50 0.197  8    4.047     4.96
##  12       2.41 0.197  8    1.960     2.87
##  19       2.74 0.197  8    2.282     3.19
## Results are averaged over the levels of: period, osc_lvl, prot_lvl, day 
## Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
## Confidence level used: 0.95
e8 = emmeans(rumen_taa_mod1, ~ prot_lvl*hr_cat) ; e8
##  prot_lvl hr_cat emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  HP       6        1.16 0.274  8    0.531     1.80
##  LP       6        1.21 0.274  8    0.574     1.84
##  HP       8        1.79 0.274  8    1.162     2.43
##  LP       8        3.00 0.274  8    2.363     3.63
##  HP       10       4.43 0.274  8    3.796     5.06
##  LP       10       4.57 0.274  8    3.940     5.21
##  HP       12       2.43 0.274  8    1.802     3.07
##  LP       12       2.39 0.274  8    1.760     3.03
##  HP       19       2.83 0.274  8    2.195     3.46
##  LP       19       2.65 0.274  8    2.013     3.28
## Results are averaged over the levels of: period, osc_lvl, day 
## Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
## Confidence level used: 0.95
e8 %>%
  data.frame() %>%
  mutate(hr = as.numeric(as.character(hr_cat))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = hr, y = emmean, col = prot_lvl, group = prot_lvl)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(6, 8, 10, 12, 19)) +
  ggtitle(paste0("Rumen total amino acid by CP level (LP = 13.8%, HP = 15.5% CP) at 5x/d sampling \n during 4-d sampling periods marginalized across 4 exp. periods for n = 8 cows")) +
  labs(x = "Sampling hour", y = "Model-implied mean")

e9 <- emmeans(rumen_taa_mod1, ~ osc_lvl * day * hr_cat); e9
##  osc_lvl day  hr_cat emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
##  O       Day1 6       0.727 0.53  8 -0.49547     1.95
##  S       Day1 6       0.564 0.53  8 -0.65766     1.79
##  O       Day2 6       1.047 0.53  8 -0.17487     2.27
##  S       Day2 6       1.001 0.53  8 -0.22088     2.22
##  O       Day3 6       1.562 0.53  8  0.34004     2.78
##  S       Day3 6       1.899 0.53  8  0.67681     3.12
##  O       Day4 6       1.220 0.53  8 -0.00165     2.44
##  S       Day4 6       1.459 0.53  8  0.23678     2.68
##  O       Day1 8       1.770 0.53  8  0.54751     2.99
##  S       Day1 8       2.634 0.53  8  1.41150     3.86
##  O       Day2 8       0.894 0.53  8 -0.32768     2.12
##  S       Day2 8       1.547 0.53  8  0.32459     2.77
##  O       Day3 8       3.199 0.53  8  1.97727     4.42
##  S       Day3 8       2.470 0.53  8  1.24801     3.69
##  O       Day4 8       3.842 0.53  8  2.61945     5.06
##  S       Day4 8       2.806 0.53  8  1.58417     4.03
##  O       Day1 10      5.164 0.53  8  3.94153     6.39
##  S       Day1 10      3.408 0.53  8  2.18622     4.63
##  O       Day2 10      4.552 0.53  8  3.33010     5.77
##  S       Day2 10      5.107 0.53  8  3.88462     6.33
##  O       Day3 10      3.801 0.53  8  2.57911     5.02
##  S       Day3 10      5.496 0.53  8  4.27355     6.72
##  O       Day4 10      3.533 0.53  8  2.31087     4.76
##  S       Day4 10      4.949 0.53  8  3.72724     6.17
##  O       Day1 12      2.641 0.53  8  1.41856     3.86
##  S       Day1 12      2.481 0.53  8  1.25901     3.70
##  O       Day2 12      2.592 0.53  8  1.37023     3.81
##  S       Day2 12      2.418 0.53  8  1.19594     3.64
##  O       Day3 12      2.537 0.53  8  1.31506     3.76
##  S       Day3 12      3.003 0.53  8  1.78099     4.23
##  O       Day4 12      2.171 0.53  8  0.94920     3.39
##  S       Day4 12      1.467 0.53  8  0.24487     2.69
##  O       Day1 19      2.364 0.53  8  1.14160     3.59
##  S       Day1 19      1.783 0.53  8  0.56072     3.01
##  O       Day2 19      2.835 0.53  8  1.61314     4.06
##  S       Day2 19      2.722 0.53  8  1.50027     3.94
##  O       Day3 19      3.014 0.53  8  1.79221     4.24
##  S       Day3 19      2.696 0.53  8  1.47413     3.92
##  O       Day4 19      3.161 0.53  8  1.93885     4.38
##  S       Day4 19      3.317 0.53  8  2.09506     4.54
## Results are averaged over the levels of: period, prot_lvl 
## Degrees-of-freedom method: containment 
## Confidence level used: 0.95
e9 %>%
  data.frame() %>%
  mutate(hr = as.numeric(as.character(hr_cat))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = hr, y = emmean, col = osc_lvl, group = osc_lvl)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line() +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("purple", "grey"))+
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(6, 8, 10, 12, 19)) +
  facet_wrap(~day, nrow = 1) + 
  ggtitle(paste0("Rumen total amino acid by feeding pattern (O = oscillating 48-hr, S = static) at 5x/d sampling \n during 4-d sampling periods marginalized across 4 exp. periods for n = 8 cows")) +
  labs(x = "Sampling hour", y = "Model-implied mean")

#                                                          #
####                        End                         ####
#                                                          #