In 2021, a committee of experts associated with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) published a book entitled “Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle.” The book is available to purchase online ( Additionally, the committee provided free software to run the nutritional model associated with the book on Windows. The publisher recommends the book and software be used by nutritionists and other professionals to evaluate dairy cattle diets.
Along with the software release, the NASEM (2021) committee published R source code. This code calculates model parameters for a single simulation and returns output in tables. Because the source code was intended for translation into the graphical NASEM software, it is functional but not user-friendly when run in R.
The dairynasem package provides wrapper functions that simplify running the NASEM (2021) model in R. This package builds on the R code written by the NASEM (2021) committee to provide several key advantages:
Cross-platform compatibility - dairynasem has functions similar to the NASEM Windows software, and can run simulations and export results in Windows or Mac OS.
Batching - with dairynasem, it is straightforward to run many
simulations with various inputs. The desired outputs are easily
accessible as dataframes. The run_dn()
function will
automatically produce all possible combinations of diets and
Descriptive warnings - eventually, the package may be updated to provide warnings for selected user errors related to feed and diet parameters (e.g., unusual feed or diet composition). This functionality will assist in catching any problematic inputs.
Extensions - eventually, the package may be updated to provide extensions to the code published by NASEM (2021).
Please note that this package was NOT developed or reviewed by anyone affiliated with the NASEM (2021) committee and is a beta version. Check all output against the NASEM (2021) program.
If using this package, please remember to cite the NASEM (2021) book and model. This package provides only wrapper code that surrounds the R code written by the NASEM (2021) committee.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). 2021. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle: Eighth Revised Edition. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
# From local:
install.packages("dairynasem_0.1.0.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source")
# From cran (eventually):
# install.packages("dairynasem")
# Other packages used for the vignette
The run_dn()
function requires two inputs: 1) diet_comp,
a dataframe with diet IDs, diet ingredients, and the proportion of DM
supplied by each ingredient, and 2) scenario, a dataframe with scenario
identifiers and the remaining required inputs describing the animal and
situation. Examples are provided within the package. These can be loaded
into the Global Environment as shown below:
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## DietID Fd_Name Fd_DMInp
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 d1 Legume silage, mid-maturity 0.311
## 2 d1 Corn silage, typical 0.319
## 3 d1 Corn grain dry, medium grind 0.214
## 4 d1 Soybean meal, solvent 48CP 0.13
## 5 d1 VitTM Premix, generic 0.026
## 6 d2 Legume silage, mid-maturity 0.33
## # A tibble: 6 × 38
## Scenari…¹ An_Br…² An_Ag…³ An_BW An_BW…⁴ Trg_F…⁵ Trg_R…⁶ An_Pa…⁷ An_BCS An_Ge…⁸
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 s1 Holste… 1095 651. 650 0 0.75 2 3.5 283
## 2 s2 Holste… 1095 652. 650 0 0.75 2 3.5 283
## 3 s3 Holste… 1095 652. 650 0 0.75 2 3.5 283
## 4 s4 Holste… 1095 653 650 0 0.75 2 3.5 283
## 5 s5 Holste… 1095 654. 650 0 0.75 2 3.5 283
## 6 s6 Holste… 1095 654. 650 0 0.75 2 3.5 283
## # … with 28 more variables: An_AgeConcept1st <lgl>, An_DIMConcept <dbl>,
## # Fet_BWbrth <dbl>, An_StatePhys <chr>, An_LactDay <dbl>, An_GestDay <dbl>,
## # Env_TempCurr <dbl>, Env_DistParlor <dbl>, Env_TripsParlor <dbl>,
## # Env_Topo <dbl>, Trg_MilkProd <dbl>, Trg_MilkLacp <dbl>, Trg_MilkTPp <dbl>,
## # Trg_MilkFatp <dbl>, Trg_Dt_DMIn <dbl>, An_AgeDryFdStart <lgl>,
## # DMIn_eqn <dbl>, Use_DNDF_IV <dbl>, RUP_eqn <dbl>, MiN_eqn <dbl>,
## # mProd_eqn <dbl>, mLac_eqn <dbl>, mPrt_eqn <dbl>, An_305RHA_MlkTP <dbl>, …
Users must provide diet_comp and scenario information using a similar structure to the examples shown above. At minimum, one diet and one scenario must be provided. It is straightforward to export the examples above as a csv, save renamed copies, modify them in a spreadsheet editor, and upload them to the Global Environment.
Because selecting feed names that match the NASEM (2021) library can be challenging, the Google Sheet below can be used as a diet editor. Please allow a moment after entering information in Column 1 for Column 2 to update. Diets created in this sheet can be pasted into diet_comp information.
In addition to diets and scenarios, there are three optional inputs
that can be exported and modified First, feed_library
defaults to the NASEM (2021) library but can be edited to add custom
feeds. Second, default_eff
gives the target efficiencies in
NASEM (2021). Third, the vector infus
gives any information
on infusions in a given location (options:
Artery”,“Blood”). The default is no infusions. Users can export each of
these to see which parameters are modifiable.
Running simulations produces a nested list (dn_out_1
where the highest level indexes each possible diet and scenario
combination supplied in the inputs. For example,
and scenario_ex_1
had 3 diets
and 10 scenarios, respectively, resulting in 30 simulations.
To run these 30 simulations, it requires the following line of code:
dn_out_1 = dn_run(diet_comp = diet_comp_ex_1, scenario = scenario_ex_1)
The output is a nested list. For each simulation, the standard NASEM (2021) output is returned in a series of sub-lists as shown below.
# level 2
## [1] "d1__s1" "d2__s1" "d3__s1" "d1__s2" "d2__s2" "d3__s2" "d1__s3"
## [8] "d2__s3" "d3__s3" "d1__s4" "d2__s4" "d3__s4" "d1__s5" "d2__s5"
## [15] "d3__s5" "d1__s6" "d2__s6" "d3__s6" "d1__s7" "d2__s7" "d3__s7"
## [22] "d1__s8" "d2__s8" "d3__s8" "d1__s9" "d2__s9" "d3__s9" "d1__s10"
## [29] "d2__s10" "d3__s10"
# level 1
dn_out_1[[1]] %>% names()
## [1] "an" "dmi" "dt" "dig" "enrg" "micr" "abs" "inf"
## [9] "mp" "main" "gest" "bod" "mlk" "MV" "excr" "eff"
## [17] "imb" "f" "Tbl1_1" "Tbl1_2" "Tbl1_3" "Tbl2_1" "Tbl2_2" "Tbl3_1"
## [25] "Tbl4_1" "Tbl4_2" "Tbl4_3" "Tbl5_1" "Tbl6_1" "Tbl6_2" "Tbl6_3" "Tbl6_4"
## [33] "Tbl7_1" "Tbl7_2" "Tbl7_3" "Tbl8_1" "Tbl8_2"
The dairynasem package allows two options for working with results. Users can choose from these options, which are detailed below:
For each simulation, export writes the tables in a typical NASEM (2021) report to a .txt file in the working directory.
Tables given in a NASEM (2021) report
“Tbl1_1” Physiological State/Management
“Tbl1_2” Entered Performance
“Tbl1_3” Predicted Production Variables
“Tbl2_1” Macronutrients
“Tbl2_2” Diet Ingredients
“Tbl3_1” Ingredient macronutrient contributions
“Tbl4_1” Energy Supply
“Tbl4_2” NEL and ME requirements
“Tbl4_3” Nutrient contributions to DE
“Tbl5_1” Fatty Acid supply
“Tbl6_1” Animal inputs
“Tbl6_2” Net protein and metabolizable protein
“Tbl6_3” Predicted and target supply of metabolizable protein and amino acids
“Tbl6_4” EAA partitioning using predicted Milk NP, g/d
“Tbl7_1” Minerals
“Tbl7_2” Vitamin supply and requirements
“Tbl7_3” Water, volatile solids, and methane
“Tbl8_1” Nitrogen and mineral excretion
“Tbl8_2” Ingredient mineral contributions
Because the nested list returned by dn_run
is somewhat
difficult to work with, the function dn_extract
is designed
to facilitate extracting desired results into dataframes. It takes two
arguments: 1) the dn_run
output, in the example assigned to
; and 2) the desired results to return.
dn_extr_1 = dn_extract(dn_out_1, "mp")
## DietID ScenarioID An_CPIn_g An_MPIn_g An_MPIn An_MP Dt_MPIn Dt_MP
## 1 d1 s1 5372.019 2831.916 2.831916 9.439720 2.831916 9.439720
## 2 d2 s1 5733.732 2917.705 2.917705 9.725682 2.917705 9.725682
## 3 d3 s1 4704.723 2611.147 2.611147 8.703822 2.611147 8.703822
## 4 d1 s2 5339.787 2816.942 2.816942 9.446486 2.816942 9.446486
## 5 d2 s2 5699.330 2902.228 2.902228 9.732489 2.902228 9.732489
## 6 d3 s2 4676.495 2597.586 2.597586 8.710887 2.597586 8.710887
## An_NPuse_g An_NPxprt_g Fe_MPendUse_g Scrf_MPUse_g Ur_MPendUse_g
## 1 1417.593 1415.710 633.3662 15.46504 215.5609
## 2 1420.830 1418.947 658.8375 15.93680 215.5609
## 3 1425.177 1423.294 589.4500 14.08181 215.5609
## 4 1394.481 1392.101 635.6534 15.71155 217.7969
## 5 1397.698 1395.318 661.2281 16.19111 217.7969
## 6 1402.019 1399.639 591.5024 14.30443 217.7969
## Body_MPUse_g_Trg Gest_MPUse_g_Trg Mlk_MPUse_g An_MPuse_g An_MPuse_g_Trg
## 1 85 5.706559 1880.937 2836.036 2294.456
## 2 85 5.706559 1938.315 2919.357 2299.147
## 3 85 5.706559 1712.701 2622.500 2305.447
## 4 85 7.210469 1858.907 2820.280 2263.980
## 5 85 7.210469 1915.647 2903.073 2268.643
## 6 85 7.210469 1692.424 2608.238 2274.905
## An_NPBal_g An_MPBal_g An_MPIn_MEIn An_MPuse_MEuse
## 1 -2.0592362 -4.1197062 35.81847 45.90385
## 2 -0.8042302 -1.6524394 37.21956 47.25248
## 3 -6.1701608 -11.3538535 31.35725 42.44758
## 4 -1.6502975 -3.3376583 35.83439 46.07649
## 5 -0.4068709 -0.8450867 37.23683 47.42913
## 6 -5.7254681 -10.6513413 31.37290 42.61224
Results that can be requested with dn_extract
“an” information about the animal and scenario entered by the user
“dmi” dry matter intake, target and predicted
“dt” diet composition and predictions
“dig” nutrient digestibility for rumen, duodenum, and total-tract
“enrg” energetics
“micr” microbial protein and amino acids (AA)
“abs” absorbed protein and AA
“inf” infusions (if any)
“mp” protein intake and use
“main” protein and AA summary
“gest” gestation
“bod” body gain/loss
“mlk” milk
“MV” minerals and vitamins
“excr” nutrient and energy excretion
“eff” protein and energy use efficiencies
“imb” imbalance in AA
“f” entered diet composition